Complete Changelog Dota 6.65

Jika anda sudah memiliki dota 6.65, berikut adalah changelog completenya :

Hero Changes

- Reworked Unstable Concoction
Razzil brews up an unstable concoction that he can throw at an enemy hero, to stun and deal damage. Once Razzil starts brewing, he can continue for up to 5 seconds. Each second of brewing will increase the potency of the concoction and make Razzil more red. After the 5 seconds, there is a small buffer window. If Razzil does not throw the concoction soon after it will blow up and Razzil himself will suffer as if he was hit by the concoction. Concoction can blow up mid air if fired too late.

Charge Duration: up to 5 seconds
Buffer Duration: 1.5
Damage: Up to 150/200/250/300 (Physical damage type)
Stun: Up to 1/2/3/4 seconds
Cooldown: 16
Manacost: 90

The longer it charges up, the more damage and stun it deals. Listed values are the maximum.

Note: This is hero only target spell. You cannot release it if there isn't a visible target nearby (if you don't release it on time, it explodes on you instead, damage and stunning you). After casting, it builds up for 5 seconds. There is a small buffer duration after that.

Note 2: Alchemist has a red counter that counts down from 5 ontop of his head. Everyone can see this. It will be clear to the enemy when you are charging this.

Dota-Allstars 6.65 Official Map Released! Official Download!

Dota 6.65 resmi dikeluarkan di hari natal ini. Kabar baiknya map ini dapat dijalankan pada patch 1.24b. Jadi jika anda belum melakukan update ke patch 1.24c, anda tidak perlu merasa bingung karena tidak dapat mencoba map baru ini. Ada 2 hero di map ini yaitu Murloc Nightcrawler si hero Agility dan Ancient Apparition, hero Intelligence. Berikut complete changelog untuk kedua hero ini :

Just fOR fun! Killing Roshan at lv.1 …

b47c-Roshan 2
Kelamaan nunggu temen buat maen bareng jadi iseng-iseng deh lawan AI buat ngisi waktu. Kepikir buat ngalahin Rosan di lv. 1. Tag coba aja ngroyok Rosan di lv.1. Hasilnya? ya jelas kalahlah. Remake sekali lagi, baru dapet combonya. 

Warcraft Patch 1.24c Released!

Warcraft III Frozen Throne
Warcraft Patch 1.24c baru saja dirilis. Versi Warcraft ini merupakan versi perbaikan dari bug-bug yang ada pada versi sebelumnya. Warcraft 1.24c ini memiliki kompatibelitas yang sama dengan patch 1.24b. Berikut adalah changelogs lebih lengkapnya :